Step-1: Go to website
Step-2: On the right hand side, under the heading “2012 Emerging Markets Conference Quick Links”, click on “Login”.

Step-3: Login with your username and password. You may click on “Forgot your Password” if you don’t remember the same.

Step-4: On the right hand side menu, under heading “USER” and your own username, you will find “My Profile”. Click on this. Now on the left hand side you will find all your details.

Step-5: On the user home page in the middle left you will see the link labelled ‘author’ above the word ‘my account’. Click on the link labelled ‘author’.

Step-6: On the page which opens titled ‘Active submissions’ you will see a word ‘Archive’ mentioned just below it. Click on the link labelled ‘Archive’.

Step-7: On the new page, you will now be able to see all the paper submitted by you. Click on the relevant paper’s title.

Step-8: The new page will be titled as ‘your paper number Summary’.

Important: You will receive an email before the relevant deadline if your Extended Abstract is accepted or not.